Seeking Cosmetic Dentistry? Here’s Why Your Mouth Needs to Be Healthy First!

June 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sachsedentalteam @ 8:45 pm
young woman smiling in dental mirror

Achieving a beautiful smile is undoubtedly a desirable goal, and cosmetic dentistry can help you reach it. However, it’s important to note that the foundation of any radiant grin lies in good oral health. Before you move forward with the smile transformation process, your dentist will examine you for any existing dental issues. A healthy mouth can drastically improve the results of cosmetic work! Read on to learn more about why good oral health is essential for cosmetic dentistry.


5 Interesting, Lesser-Known Facts about Braces

June 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sachsedentalteam @ 8:54 pm
a patient with braces smiling while visiting her dentist

Braces have an unfair reputation; despite being perhaps the most effective orthodontic treatment around, when most of us think about them, we think about the awkward, embarrassing metal brackets and wires that are permanently worn for the entire duration of treatment—not the beautiful results that we’re working towards! That said, it’s not always easy to give braces the credit they’re rightfully due. Here are a few interesting, little-known facts about braces that your dentist wants you to know about so that you can better appreciate them!  
