Invisalign Clear Aligners – Sachse, TX

The Discreet Way to Straighten Teeth

Brunette woman holding Invisalign clear aligner in Sachse

Do you deal with the discomfort and aesthetic consequences of crooked, gapped, or otherwise misaligned teeth? Orthodontic treatment can correct such issues, but you may not want to commit to braces because they are so obvious to onlookers. If that is the case, schedule a consultation for Invisalign in Sachse, TX, with Dr. Rottman. This remarkable treatment may be able to give you the straight smile you crave without the use of traditional metal braces.

Why Choose Sachse Family Dentistry at Woodbridge for Invisalign Clear Aligners?

  • Trusted Dental Professional & Team Members
  • State-of-the-Art Facility That Houses Updated Technologies
  • Flexible Financing Available

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign uses a series of clear, thermoplastic aligners to apply gentle pressure to teeth. Each custom aligner tray moves the teeth a little closer to their ideal positions. You will wear each tray for 20-22 hours each day for two weeks before you move onto the next one. Throughout your treatment period, you’ll visit our dental office periodically so we can check on your progress, answer any questions you have, and provide you with the next aligners in your series. After you work your way through all of your aligners, you should have the straight, fully functional set of teeth you deserve.

Indications for Invisalign

Dentist fitting a patient with an Invisalign aligner

Invisalign in Sachse has become a preferred choice to correct a variety of alignment issues. While severe orthodontic problems may still be best treated by traditional braces, Invisalign can help patients overcome a wide array of common issues, such as:

Crowded Teeth

Close up of mouth with crowded teeth

Tooth crowding is a problem for people of all ages. This common orthodontic issue can result from a narrow arch, larger-than-average teeth, genetics, or other factors. No matter what the cause, it can make your smile look unattractive. Plus, if your teeth are too close together or even overlap one another, you may find it difficult to maintain a clean mouth. Harmful bacteria, plaque, and food particles can become trapped, significantly increasing your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and even enamel damage. Invisalign, along with possible extractions, can give your teeth the space they need to function at their best.

Gaps Between Teeth

Close up of mouth with small gap between two front teeth

Spaces between the teeth are an aesthetic concern, but they can also affect your bite’s alignment and lead to oral health problems. These open spaces can easily collect plaque, bacteria, and other harmful particles. Even with regular brushing and flossing, gaps between your teeth can lead to more cavities and a higher risk of gum disease. What’s more, the uneven pressure that gapped teeth can cause can potentially wear your teeth down and leave them vulnerable to damage. In many cases, Invisalign clear braces in Sachse can close unsightly, uncomfortable gaps.

Bite Alignment

Illustrated mouth with overbite

If your upper and lower teeth don’t rest together in harmony, it not only affects your oral health but also your daily life because certain tasks can be difficult. An unbalanced bite can lead to uneven pressure on your teeth, which can cause jaw pain. It can also cause erosion of your enamel, increasing your risk of tooth sensitivity, chips, and fractures. Thankfully, Invisalign can successfully address many different types of bite misalignment problems, including overbite, underbite, dental midlines, crossbite, and open bite.

Benefits of Invisalign

Smiling woman holding Invisalign tray

Invisalign is by no means your only treatment option, but it is one of the most popular! If you are trying to decide if clear aligners are right for you, then you might find it helpful to learn why millions and millions of patients have chosen this teeth-straightening service. In that case, here are some of the most outstanding benefits of Invisalign:

It Is Discreet

Closeup of woman in grey shirt smiling outside

Of course, many patients are drawn to Invisalign because of the aesthetic benefits. After all, who wouldn’t want completely clear, virtually undetectable aligners? That way, your braces aren’t the first thing others notice about you. Plus, you’ll be able to watch the improvements every step of the way since there won’t be anything obstructing your view!

It Is Convenient

Closeup of man eating lunch with friend

Another considerable perk of Invisalign is that the aligners are removable. That means that you don’t need to adopt a cumbersome oral hygiene regimen; simply take off your aligners and brush like usual! You also won’t have to eliminate any foods from your diet. You can eat practically anything you want during your teeth-straightening journey as long as you keep added sugar to a minimum.

It Works Quickly

Closeup of woman with straight teeth smiling

Although there is some variation, most treatment plans with traditional braces take two years or more. Conversely, the average treatment time with Invisalign is only one year! We can provide you with an estimate at your initial consultation, of course. We’ll give you some helpful information on what to do (and what not to do) to avoid delays as well.

It Is Comfortable

Woman with glasses smiling while working on laptop

Traditional braces have metal brackets and wires. Invisalign doesn’t! As a result, you won’t have to worry about soft tissue irritation during your orthodontic treatment. If any soreness arises, then try sticking to soft foods, sipping on cool water, and taking OTC pain medication. These should alleviate the pressure you’re feeling pretty quickly.

It Works for Busy Schedules

Closeup of student smiling on campus

Do you have a lot of classes this semester? Do you work long hours? Are you a parent with a jam-packed calendar? Good news: Invisalign won’t interfere. There are two reasons for this: there are fewer check-in visits, and these periodic appointments are usually less than 20 minutes. Just another reason patients love this orthodontic treatment!

It Is Suitable For Many Patients

Dentist putting clear aligner on patient

Finally, Invisalign is quite versatile. In addition to being able to address mild and moderate cases of several orthodontic problems, like overbites and overcrowding, both teenagers and adults are candidates. So, if you’ve been considering this orthodontic treatment, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation!

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

Two women talking while sitting across desk

We can't give a general estimate of the cost of Invisalign because the price of the treatment varies so much from patient to patient. What you pay will depend on your unique needs, such as how many aligners you require and whether you need any special attachments to enable Invisalign to be as effective as possible. When you visit us for your consultation, we will provide you with a personalized treatment plan and help you explore ways in which you might be able to afford Invisalign. Many patients can use both insurance and financing to fit Invisalign into their budget.

Are you ready to say goodbye to your misaligned teeth and hello to a healthier, more attractive smile? Contact our team today to schedule your Invisalign consultation.

Invisalign FAQs

If you’re looking into straightening your smile, you know that orthodontic treatment is a huge investment. Because of this, you need to ensure that you are making the best decision for your smile. Here are the answers to some of the most popular questions we are asked about Invisalign. If you don’t see your question listed below, give us a call! We’d be happy to get you the information that you’re looking for.

Does Invisalign Hurt?

Invisalign is not a painful treatment. Clear aligners are made from smooth plastic, so they tend to be more comfortable than other orthodontic treatment options. However, when you first get Invisalign, there will be an adjustment period. You might experience soreness for a time, but this will go away as you get used to the treatment. Because Invisalign uses gradual pressure to shift your teeth into their new locations, you will experience pressure, but this only means that it is working! If you are struggling with your discomfort, try taking over-the-counter pain relievers or using a cold compress.

Is Invisalign Cheaper Than Braces?

No two smiles are the same, so the cost of your orthodontic treatment will vary based on numerous different factors, like the severity of your misalignment. Most of the time, the cost of Invisalign is similar to the cost of traditional braces. Many plans offer at least partial coverage for Invisalign, so be sure that you are communicating with your insurance provider, so you aren’t met with any unnecessary surprises.

Can I Eat With Invisalign?

One of the greatest advantages of Invisalign is that you don’t need to cut any of your favorite foods out of your diet. Just remove your aligners when it is time to eat. Don’t eat while you’re wearing your aligners because this can damage them and put unnecessary pressure on your teeth. The only thing that you should be consuming when you are wearing Invisalign is water. If you want anything else, you should remove them. Be sure to thoroughly brush and floss before putting them back in.

Can I Get Invisalign After Braces?

This all depends on your specific needs. Traditional braces are better able to correct serious overbites, underbites, crossbites, and other severe misalignment issues than Invisalign. In many cases, patients’ teeth have shifted around after they’ve completed orthodontic treatment. In these situations, Invisalign may be a great solution to get you back to where you were. During your initial consultation with us, we will be able to determine whether or not Invisalign is the best treatment option for you.